September 2009 Reviews - NYC

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Post by angelenroute »

theluji wrote:
There might be a part where my English is wrong, but thanks for reading.
Thank you for not worrying about your English or your grammar--we appreciate any review and people shouldn't worry about being perfect! =) Thank you for writing this, theluji!


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Post by porschesrule »

phoebe wrote:His voice is seriously changing. The falsetto doesn't really work for him theatrically anymore, and Billy can't have a deep voice. Plus, I actually think Kiril wants to move on to whatever is next for him.
I've been thinking the same thing about Kiril wanting to move on. Over two years with the same project is a long time in a teen's life. Plus, his mom and he have been pretty much separated from his dad and his brother who continued to live in California. I'm sure Kiril has missed them.

It would seem Kiril's many talents have already attracted the notice of several prestigious ballet schools and some other interesting projects. A change of pace will do him well, even though I'm sure he'll miss Broadway, the many friends he has made with the cast members and others while living in NY and the adulation of his many adoring Billy Elliot fans.

As many have said, he has a bright future and will excel at whatever he decides to do with his life.

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