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Re: September 2010 - Reviews - London

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:12 am
Thursday 30th Sept evening


My first full show with Scott and he was just perfect from start to finish. A strong and outstanding singing voice coupled with some half decent emotional scenes in the Letter and naturally some excellent dancing. When a new Billy arrives it would be naive to think that a Billy would come through all the selection and rehearsals without strenght in all the various and difficult departments but it is always reassuring to see proof that the latest new Billy has all the required attributes and that a bad Billy has yet to somehow slip in under the radar. In Scott we are reassured that Billy continues to be in good hands (and feet). I did enjoy his passive dance but it would be nice to see the tap dancing return in Angry Dance sometime soon.

I think I know what all the extra rehearsals were for this week. A new comedy section in the audition scene where the entire set collapses like dominoes. I felt it looked a little under rehearsed and improvised but well done to pencil man for dashing across the stage to rescue clip board lady from under the scenery and stopping another bit of scenery hitting Scott on the head. Scott just carried on despite the mayhem. I think they should have kept the Benny Hill tape running, it seemed quite appropriate. And I thought it was just the new floor that was slippery, I didn't think they would made the scenery extra slippery too!

No finale and almost no Billy at the final curtain as there was loads of people in the aisle. And of course the show finished so early there was no Billy bus for ages. Another fantastic show, well done to all concerned.

Next show Oct 9th evening B21 to 26.


Re: September 2010 - Reviews - London

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 4:07 pm
by Barry Appleby

I always look forward to looking at the cast list as I arrive at the theatre, anyway for Thursays matinee, I was chuffed, to see it was Dean for the first time for me in over 7 months. Dean's performance for me, even with the stage problems, had everything, he was
so professional throughout a real enjoyment to watch, it was great to see him enjoy his well deserved ovation for "Electricity"
Joe's expressions sat on his bike in the final scene as the cutain falls took the audience to heart, also enjoyed seeing Romy for the first time as Grandma.
I hope the outstanding problems with the stage are soon rectified as it does effect the show, I cant understand why this has happened at a top London theatre. To me the finale is a bit of a disaster and really is not fair on the hard working cast who deserve their appreciation from the audience. I suppose its easy for us talk as their can't have been much time to reorganize things from Tuesdays cancellation with 2 double performances following.
Sorry for the short review


Re: September 2010 - Reviews - London

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:19 am
by Westletonion
Thursday's matinee was the first time I had been for several weeks. As has been mentioned Dean gave a stupendous display and once again demonstrated his prowess of being not only a top class actor but someone who has complete presence of mind throughout.

I hope that the lack of the finale is temporary as its ommission is an enormous shortcoming since it is one of the major highlights of the show.
I do think that the urgent presence of Mr Daldry is necessary who I am sure would get things sorted out quickly. My fear is that if these shortcomings go on for too long the brilliance of the show will become diluted and people will start to turn their backs on it which would be a dreadful shame since the youngsters in particular continue to put such tremendous effort into it. A particular thankyou to Dean, Joe and Fleur for doing so brilliantly in difficult circumstances.