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Post by BillyElliotIsAwesome »

Anyone going to the closing performance this afternoon? I purchased my ticket last weekend. This should be a really special show! Why do all good things have to come to an end? I've seen every Chicago Billy except for Giuseppe. Tommy 1x, Cesar 1x, Marcus 3x, J.P. 2x, and Myles 2x.
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Re: Finale

Post by Todd »

I had hoped to make it to the final show when it was scheduled to end in January. Even though the weather would have likely been frigid, the airfares and hotel prices would be much more affordable since it wouldn't be during a high travel time of the year. I was there for the first preview performance in March and the official opening in April, so it would be neat to be able to be at the final show too. But by ending the show over Thanksgiving weekend, the plane tickets and hotels were all sky high and I would have had to take a day off work on Monday to travel home, so that all added up to keeping me from being there Sunday.

I'm sure I'll get nostalgic every time I pass by the Oriental Theater from now on, as the show was excellent and the cast and their families were super friendly. I'll definitely always remember the Chicago production as being one of my all-time favorite experiences, and I wish all of them well in their future endeavors.
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Re: Finale

Post by BillyElliotIsAwesome »

That's a shame! Les Miserables is, and will most likely always be, my favorite musical. However, Billy Elliot is right up there with it. I've been lucky enough to pass the theater on my way home from work and see the show for $25, in the 3rd row of the orchestra, on the right-hand side, facing the stage. Rush tickets were regularly available during the week. I'm honored to have been able to support the show. How did you get to know the cast and families? That sounds really neat. I hope to see them by the stage door and wish them the best.
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Re: Finale

Post by BillyElliotIsAwesome »

What a memorable experience! J.P. and Dillon were phenominal. Express yourself makes me laugh every time. J.P. pulled some crazy stunt during "Electricity". He's come a long way since the first time I saw him perform. Possibly it was an aerial cartwheel. Not sure how he did that without touching the ground with his hands. Right after the "Finale" number, the entire cast came on stage. I was delighted to see all 4 current Billy Elliots in attendance. Billy's father, Armand Schultz, spent a little time thanking the cast, crew, guardians, theater staff, etc... He got choked up, which led to a very emotional portion of the show, mentioning that during this week of Thanksgiving, he's thankful for his family, but indicated the people on the stage are his family. It was so sweet! He's a great speaker and you forget that these are normal people outside of their acting roles. Hopefully they will continue to amaze audiences. Today's performance was bittersweet as I new it was going to have to end, but was fantastic. Best of luck to the Billy Elliot Chicago group! Good thing I can continue to see this in other cities. However, that means I'll have to travel.
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Re: Finale

Post by Todd »

BillyElliotIsAwesome wrote: How did you get to know the cast and families? That sounds really neat. I hope to see them by the stage door and wish them the best.
I was able to meet the cast and families and got to know some of them just as you mentioned here: by attending a number of performances there and greeting the cast when they came out the stage door afterwards. The parents of the young cast members were there to pick them up when they came out, and they were always friendly and appreciated the fans' support of their children and of the show.

I always felt like the stage door area at the Oriental Theater was the most conducive to "meeting and greeting" of any of the venues I've seen the show, as there was little or no auto traffic back there in that alley. It made congregating and standing around visiting much easier than in London or New York where there's a great deal of street traffic, and normally a bigger crowd of people waiting by the stage door. The Oriental Theater usually had smaller groups of well-wishers since it was in the back of the theater and a lot of people didn't walk by there on their way out of the show, as opposed to London and New York where it's much more visible.
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Re: Finale

Post by cws8998 »

Given my theatrical experience both as a singer and as a part time actor in days gone by...Given all the Broadway type shows I've seen from London, NY, Miami, San any top show I've seen 2-3-4-6 times over; nothing will compare to the fantastic, surreal weekend I just spent in Chicago seeing the final four productions of Billy Elliot. I'm talking about view this show from in one of the first three rows of seats, and it completes months of traveling from Indiana to see this musical in so many shows I've lost count. Without a doubt my favorite theatrical production of all time and I do mean in comparison to all the biggies that have ever been out there.
This weekend was a combination of four "no hitters," and four "grandslam" home runs, all, in the span of less than 48 hours; That's not probable in any ball game, I know, but it sure as hell was on the Chicago Stage, all pulled off by the magical lineup of Chicago Billies, starting with Marcus Pei on Friday night, to be followed by Myles Erlick, Sat., Matinee, the incomparable Cesar Corrales that evening, and concluding with J.P. Viernes at 2pm today.These four presentations closed the Billy Elliot run at the Cadillac Theater. I'm sorry, but if anyone thinks for a moment that there are any better four Billies in this world than what we ended up with in Chicago, I'd sure like to know who they are are. And to think these four dynamos were what were left after we lost Tommy Bachelor and Giuseppe Bausillo earlier this fall.
Interesting, that I was able to see the debuts of three of the four Billies who finished up during the course of the show's run here. To be able to experience the thrill of watching their metamorphosis or the transformation of these magnificent kids into superb actors, simply has been a sight to see. And, right now, I will tell you they are as enlightened, as proficient, and as professional actors as you would hope to find in the show anywhere. Of course, as dancers, I find them to be nothing less than stunning. Each displays such high energy and raw emotions suitable to their own personalities, it's enough to make your eyes water.
Naturally, there was a high level of emotion surrounding the entire weekend knowing the show was closing. But, frankly, the dancing of these little guys has always seemed to me to by phenomenal far beyond their years. I haven't seen it performed better anywhere. Watching Marcus, JP, and Myles' absorption and maturation into the role of Billy, has been a lesson of perseverance and determination matched only by what one might be observing before your eyes as you watch them over a number of weeks. It has been remarkable. Cesar, as the senior of the group, continues to show his usual consistency of charisma and spontaneous timing which demands your constant attention, so natural is it in its simplicity.
Thank heavens, all of them played to, what appeared to me, to be full houses. They each deserved it, as well as they did the remarkable reception each received at the conclusion of the show. It was also such a pleasure to read and experience some real emotion in their letter to "Mum" at the end of the show. One sitting back a way might think they were watching the kids just "acting." Not during the shows this weekend. Sitting up close you could measure it as the real thing, and it was enough to challenge my own emotions in watching them. They new it was their I did, and now having returned to Indiana, I'm filled with the same sort of emotion, feeling as though I have lost a dear friend, as Billy Elliot now prepares for its adventure in Toronto.
Not for a moment, in offering reviews of this show and it's young stars,whether here or in other areas on the internet, do they contain an ounce of hyperbole, as Billy Elliot and those young people have profoundly affected my life in many ways. It has nothing to do with Just "entertainment." My own depressed youth in search of a singing career found the same resistance that Billy did with his dancing, with the exception that Billy was much luckier than I in receiving final support in his pursuits. If one is capable of vicariously living any life experience through this musical and its lead player, I wonder how you cannot conclude it would be one of the most fantastic theatrical experiences you could ever hope to see. It has done exactly that for me, as I consider myself a much better man having absorbed this show and the lessons to be learned through it. That's why it is so far and away the best I've ever seen.
I admit, too, how enriched I have been by my acquaintances with all the Billies, a couple of the Michaels, most of the cast, and certain family members of the Billies. Again, vicariously, being able to experience the theatrical life in real time. The interaction with Cesar and Marcus, for instance, has been telling beyond my imagination. What a profound pleasure. Such absolutely normal youngsters who are, in fact, totally "abnormal," given the level of class, respectability, training, graciousness, and sense of humility they exude when in public and in one's individual conversation with them. Being an athletic coach as I am, they are the epitome of the high quality of character we would hope from all our young people. I am so deeply proud of what they brought to Chicago, and the joy they've left behind for so many of us who could experience the result of their extensive training and education. To be sure, having my photo taken and remembering the depth of my conversations with each of them, will at least provide me with some assurance that they will remain in my memory well into their professional careers, which I looked forward to following with great enthusiasm. So, it's on to Toronto...and I truly hope they will be sustained there, perhaps, more generously than Chicago was capable of doing. They all deserve the very best. Regards, Colin
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Re: Finale

Post by ERinVA »

I'm sorry, but if anyone thinks for a moment that there are any better four Billies in this world than what we ended up with in Chicago, I'd sure like to know who they are are.
No apologies necessary. There are no better Billys. All the Billys, wherever they have appeared or are appearing, are wonderful. I think that the mentality which says that what Chicago got was somehow supposed to have been "lesser quality" than what was on Broadway, or in London, etc., is just misguided, so if anyone thinks that, then too bad for them! It's sad that Chicago did not support the show as strongly as had been hoped, but it certainly wasn't due to any lack of quality.

"I don't want people who want to dance; I want people who have to dance.”
-George Balanchine 1904 -1983

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Re: Finale

Post by porschesrule »

I echo Ellen in my thoughts and comments. BETM Chicago was a first class production in every respect and the actors and crew, from the title characters on down were A-1, both professionally and as human beings. While there are many in Chicago who truly appreciate what they had there, there are also many whom I fear do not.

Colin, let me just say that I was very moved as I read your words, often finding myself nodding at your perceptive comments. My experiences with cast members has been from afar, but from what I know your descriptions of their "...level of class, respectability, training, graciousness, and sense of humility..." is spot on.

For those who remain with the production as it moves on to Toronto, I look forward to the next leg of their Billy journeys. And I totally agree with your words, Colin "I truly hope they will be sustained there, perhaps, more generously than Chicago was capable of doing. They all deserve the very best."
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Re: Finale

Post by mrmikerocks »

It's a sad day in Chicago.
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Re: Finale

Post by inspired »

Does anyone know or has there been any word on who may not make the journey to Toronto? Will it be a large cast change, or just a few leaving, I wonder?
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