Standing ovations after Electricity

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Re: Standing ovations after Electricity

Post by patc »

I am not the enemy, keefy, we are all in this together. :D

I always said you were a nice guy and am equally passionate about the show and everyone connected with it.

As you have very bravely "confessed" to all your "sins" your penance will be lenient. For your penance you must during the calendar year 2012 watch Billy once from K39 in the Grand Circle. No binoculars allowed and a safety belt will be installed to ensure that you stay in your seat. And no faking vertigo either just to be reseated in one of the boxes.

Pat (Still not angry, still very calm, still lovin’ it and using excellent value unpatterned Lidl kitchen roll)
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Re: Standing ovations after Electricity

Post by dongringo »

Todd wrote:Interesting and spirited debate here ! I've never thought of a standing ovation as being bad manners. It's not like you're continuing to stand when the show resumes after the applause ends.

The only argument I've heard against standing ovations is that they can lose their significance if they become commonplace. I believe they should be reserved for a performance "above and beyond" the norm, which one could argue that each Billy does every show, given the level of difficulty of the part and the age of the actor.
I couldn't agree more. And I might add that Electricity is just one of those moments when it's Billy's time to shine and if he knocks it out of the park, what's wrong with a standing ovation? Just my opinion of course, but the blocking people's view argument really doesn't carry much weight. If people behind, excluding kids, are too lazy to stand up for half a minute then it's their loss. Just my two cents worth. ;)

Edit: The same type of discussion has been had recently in the Dream Theater forum. People these days actually sit during rock shows and think it's rude that someone would have the nerve to stand up in front of them. Really? Have we become so lazy as a society that we would want to sit at a rock concert? Yes, I know BETM isn't a rock concert, but the point about being too lazy to stand seemed to fit. ;)
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Re: Standing ovations after Electricity

Post by dancingboy »

I seem to recall that I was at the beginning of this argument some months ago, shortly after I joined the Forum. Now, this may not be the last word on the subject, but I would like to make one or two more comments. I am a mere 'newboy' when it comes to seeing the show as I have only seen it about 70 times, most of these visits coming in the last year. I have, therefore, been brought up on the current four Billys,plus Scott (who left in September). There is no doubt in my mind that, in this time, the performances of these extremely talented young children have just got better and better. Currently, each show I see is a gem. In the last few months I have seen some outstanding performances and this has led me, quite often, to stand after a Billy has performed Electricity. I do not do this lightly. That ovation has to be earned, but lately, it seems, that at every show I see I feel as though a standing ovation at this point is fully justified.

I have been witnessing a 13/14 year old boy perform a singing/dancing solo number, which has been wonderfully choreographed, whether it be a balletic version or street/acro version in front of a 1500 people audience. That takes some doing. Why not, therefore, stand to show your appreciation of the talent that is on view? I have had the pleasure of speaking to one or two of the Billy Mums and Dads and they have told me how much the boys appreciate the ovations they receive. You can also see it from the boys faces on stage. You could say that a standing ovation is my way of giving support and encouragement and I shall continue to stand when I feel it is deserved.

On many occasions I have spoken to parents of young children sitting behind me, or to people sitting next to me, and said that I might stand after the Electricity number . Not once has anyone objected and only last week a mother said to me that if the number was that well performed, they would stand too. She and her family did.

Like KeefyM I respect other peoples opinions. If they feel it is not right to stand during the show, but to leave any standing ovation until the final curtain, then so be it. That is their choice. My choice is to stand after Electricity, when I believe it is deserved. Forum members everywhere love the show and are passionate about it, that is why we are having this debate. It is obvious that there are divided opinions, but let us not forget the show is about 12/13/14 year olds who have already put in years of hard work to even get to be in the show. We should all appreciate what they do and what they have achieved, just show it in whatever way suits you best.
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Re: Standing ovations after Electricity

Post by KeefyM »

patc wrote:I am not the enemy, keefy, we are all in this together. :D

I always said you were a nice guy and am equally passionate about the show and everyone connected with it.

As you have very bravely "confessed" to all your "sins" your penance will be lenient. For your penance you must during the calendar year 2012 watch Billy once from K39 in the Grand Circle. No binoculars allowed and a safety belt will be installed to ensure that you stay in your seat. And no faking vertigo either just to be reseated in one of the boxes.

Pat (Still not angry, still very calm, still lovin’ it and using excellent value unpatterned Lidl kitchen roll)
Haha, loving the penance Pat, although maybe it should be that I have to sit in the K39 Grand Circle seat on a special night and I can't see anything on a special night in 2012 or maybe it should be that I don't sit in the VP at all and be sent to watch Wicked instead on a Billy special night (haha). Either that, or just throw me in the hole in the road in Allington Street for 3 hours (haha). Even though I stand by my 'giving a standing ovation when it is well deserved' comment, i'm loving the idea of the safety belt (might come in handy for some others as well) - could be a new line in Billy merchandise - you should get a patent on it Pat.

You certainly aren't the enemy Pat and neither is anyone else (my 'enemies' comment above was referring to people at my current and previous work, and was not about Billy fans/regulars/forum members as nobody at Billy is an 'enemy', the comment was purely relating to work).
We certainly are all in this together and I also appreciate that you are as equally passionate about the show and everyone connected with it. Although you have disappointed me, as I thought you would have at least being using Waitrose kitchen roll or at least kitchen roll with a shamrock on it (haha). Not that there is anything wrong with Lidl's unpatterend roll. Glad to say that I just made it to Sainsbury's in time for my patterned roll, but it was close (haha).

Enjoy the shows next week and I will certainly join you and the other 1498 people on Saturday evening in standing up for a special night. BTW, I have just remembered, it seems my penance will sort of start next week as I have some rubbish seats including one in the Grand Circle (although not as bad as K39 - so roll on 2012 (haha).

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Re: Standing ovations after Electricity

Post by paul30003 »

KeefyM wrote: Either that, or just throw me in the hole in the road in Allington Street for 3 hours (haha).
Well as i'm with you Keefy on the standing debate, ill quite happily join you in the hole in Allington Street.

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We will go down but come again
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Re: Standing ovations after Electricity

Post by Deanfan5 »

Not having been at the show for a while and being rather 'out of touch' I read this thread today with a degree of sadness as inevitably positions do and have polarised and this has given rise to bad feelings and recriminations which can get in the way of appreciating the show. Regretably I feel 'egos' do tend to get in the way in order to achieve 'the prize' ( a wave or an acknowledgement from a Billy or brownie points from a family member) which has outweighed what I see as the objective of a standing ovation. There is a middle position. Stand at the end to indicate the tour de force that the Billy performer has achieved and then stand selectively in 'Electricity' not as a routine but an acknowledgement when something really exceptional has been performed. This is something I have always tried to adopt since the days of Liam when I could have been up and down like the proverbial jack- in- the box and ended up looking like a fool in the process. :? :roll:
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Re: Standing ovations after Electricity

Post by kport »

Perhaps it is time to let this topic rest, for the present at least?
That gets a standing ovation from me! :lol:
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Re: Standing ovations after Electricity

Post by Howdo »

Thoroughly deserved, prolonged and virtually unanimous standing ovation for Ryan this afternoon
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Re: Standing ovations after Electricity

Post by ERinVA »

Maybe we should start a Tracking Standing Ovations thread? ;)

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Re: Standing ovations after Electricity

Post by burtond »

Howdo wrote:Thoroughly deserved, prolonged and virtually unanimous standing ovation for Ryan this afternoon
And, without doubt, well deserved too!
An ex-Regular and someone who was Passionate about the show but who has now found the rest of the WEST END.

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