Group Profiles of the Best Fans of Billy Elliot The Musical

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Re: Group Profiles of the Best Fans of Billy Elliot The Musical

Post by ERinVA »

Yorkie wrote:
ERinVA wrote:Yes, that would be a good idea. :roll: And start the car while you're at it. Sorry, but that is not funny.
Well, obviously not to everybody Ellen and I can't say that teachers are renowned for their sense of humour.

I am sorry to continue this, but there are plenty of teachers who have perfectly good senses of humor. What's more, I think my sense of humor is intact, thanks. I assume that you must not be a teacher because believe me, if it were not for a sense of humor, many teachers would not manage to stay in the profession. Or maybe you think most teachers are like Miss Trunchbull. If that's the case, I am sorry that your experience as a student led you to that conclusion.

Rant over. Time to move on...

"I don't want people who want to dance; I want people who have to dance.”
-George Balanchine 1904 -1983

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Re: Group Profiles of the Best Fans of Billy Elliot The Musical

Post by Yorkie »

ERinVA wrote:
Yorkie wrote:
ERinVA wrote:Yes, that would be a good idea. :roll: And start the car while you're at it. Sorry, but that is not funny.
Well, obviously not to everybody Ellen and I can't say that teachers are renowned for their sense of humour.

I am sorry to continue this, but there are plenty of teachers who have perfectly good senses of humor. What's more, I think my sense of humor is intact, thanks. I assume that you must not be a teacher because believe me, if it were not for a sense of humor, many teachers would not manage to stay in the profession. Or maybe you think most teachers are like Miss Trunchbull. If that's the case, I am sorry that your experience as a student led you to that conclusion.

Rant over. Time to move on...
I'm glad you feel better for getting it off your chest Ellen - have you ever seen Inbetweeners? My teachers were like the Head of 6th Form that they have on that show.
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Re: Group Profiles of the Best Fans of Billy Elliot The Musical

Post by kport »

ERinVA wrote:
Yorkie wrote:
ERinVA wrote:Yes, that would be a good idea. :roll: And start the car while you're at it. Sorry, but that is not funny.
Well, obviously not to everybody Ellen and I can't say that teachers are renowned for their sense of humour.

I am sorry to continue this, but there are plenty of teachers who have perfectly good senses of humor. What's more, I think my sense of humor is intact, thanks. I assume that you must not be a teacher because believe me, if it were not for a sense of humor, many teachers would not manage to stay in the profession. Or maybe you think most teachers are like Miss Trunchbull. If that's the case, I am sorry that your experience as a student led you to that conclusion.

Rant over. Time to move on...
Ellen is absolutely correct. A sense of humour is essential if anyone wants to be a good teacher - or headteacher. I once asked a group of leavers (pupils about to leave school) what they thought a good teacher should possess. Their response (almost universal):

-Mark/grade ALL work on time and thoroughly! This is more important than some teachers think! It is the teacher's part of the student-teacher partnership.
-Never EVER have favourites.
-LISTEN as well as you TALK.
-Have a sense of humour, especially when kids behave like kids. But be an adult - don't try to be a kid. Kids need adults to look up to. But avoid being judgmental - which leads us to:
-Never EVER have favourites, or less-than-favourites. Treat every pupil the same.
-Most important- Be firm, but fair. Don't try to be popular or cool - kids see through that. The best teachers are the ones who understood them but rarely lose control, yet can still have a laugh. They are also the ones least stressed, because they are in control.
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Re: Group Profiles of the Best Fans of Billy Elliot The Musical

Post by accessmenj »

Other groups that should be big fans of Billy Elliot The Musical include boys who like to dance. From statements made by recent Billys, especially in London, the inspiration of the show was the catalyst that started the boys into show business. The show provides emotional support that they are not alone.

But the show is not about a bairn who wants to dance. Lee Hall experienced the same feelings of isolation because he wanted to write short stories as a boy. So the show should appeal to any boy who is a bookworm or nerd in the eyes of his family and peers. Any boy who is treated as "different" would find support and strength to "be yourself".

So why are so few pre-teen and teen boys attending Billy Elliot The Musical?
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Re: Group Profiles of the Best Fans of Billy Elliot The Musical

Post by dancingboy »

accessmenj wrote:Other groups that should be big fans of Billy Elliot The Musical include boys who like to dance. From statements made by recent Billys, especially in London, the inspiration of the show was the catalyst that started the boys into show business. The show provides emotional support that they are not alone.

But the show is not about a bairn who wants to dance. Lee Hall experienced the same feelings of isolation because he wanted to write short stories as a boy. So the show should appeal to any boy who is a bookworm or nerd in the eyes of his family and peers. Any boy who is treated as "different" would find support and strength to "be yourself".

So why are so few pre-teen and teen boys attending Billy Elliot The Musical?
As far as the London show is concerned you do see teenage boys there, but they tend to be in school groups ( English and Foreign). Not so many teenage boys are there, though, on their own or with family. This could be due to the fact that it would not do their 'street cred' much good if it were known they had gone to see a show about a boy 'doing ballet'. However, young people, boys in particular, should go to see the show since they would be inspired, not only by the storyline, but also to see what could be achieved at the age of 12/13 by hard work and determination by watching any of the Billys who perform night after night.
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Re: Group Profiles of the Best Fans of Billy Elliot The Musical

Post by ActingDude17 »

I think there seem to be so few teenage boys at the show because musical theatre isn't traditionally seen as a guy thing. That said, as a teenage guy, I think that if more young men would give it a chance, they would enjoy it. Billy Elliot is not your traditional musical (which I am very thankful for; I do not like the typical R&H material from the "Golden Age", in fact those are some of my least favorite shows). Unlike many musicals, it's not about romance or using song and dance to run from story and character. It's a gritty, realistic, political, and often brutal story about overcoming obstacles on a personal and communal level. Perhaps more than any other musical, it explores what it means to be a male. It's one of the most guy-friendly musicals, in my opinion. What does it mean to be a father? A brother? A son? A coach? A leader in your community? A friend to a fellow man, be he gay or straight?

I think it would connect with all young men on those levels, but I know it specifically connected with me as a young male artist. For those of us who have, like Billy, found our passion fairly early in life, it resonates in a very unique way. I haven't been teased nearly as much as poor Billy was, but I absolutely relate to him. "Electricity" is exactly how I feel about my art.
UK/Ireland Tour
Billy: Lewis Smallman
Michael: Elliot Stiff

2nd American Tour
Billy: Giuseppe Bausilio, Michael Dameski, Ty Forhan
Michael: Griffin Birney x2, Cameron Clifford
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Re: Group Profiles of the Best Fans of Billy Elliot The Musical

Post by accessmenj »

Actingdude17, your points are well made. So what can we and BETM do to promote the show to pre-teen and teen boys?

First, we discussed earlier how the show should never have been called "Billy Elliot The Musical". It is halfway between a play and a musical and , as such, can appeal to many who do not like musicals. But it is too late to change the name. Perhaps the name can be changed for tours around Europe and The Pacific regions.

But BETM promotions has to stop the silly promotions like grown men wearing tutus. This gives the wrong impression that the show is about men in tutus. No men wear tutus in the BETM story. If I saw a promotion like this as a young boy, my parents could not even drag me to the show; I would be terrified that my friends would see this promotion also, and then hear that I was there.

Also, no dance lessons for early morning TV hosts. This is trying to appeal to people who are looking for "cute". They will find this show without this promotion. "Billy Elliot The Musical" is so much more than cute.

Young teen boys are reaching the age of rebellion. Promotions should center
around a teen who knows what is right for himself and has to struggle against the opposition of his family and the entire community to be in control of his own future. Teen boys will relate to this theme. Then, when parents or favorite teachers offer a chance to go to the show, they will be interested.
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Re: Group Profiles of the Best Fans of Billy Elliot The Musical

Post by MegaBillyfan »

I only can tell about the reactions to the novel by Melvin Burgess and the movie - a class of mine (teenagers, 15-16 years) has read the novel and seen the movie with their English teacher (a close friend of mine - I´ve told her so much about BETM). They all were very interested and discussed the different subjects (and there are a lot!, also very useful for history for example). The pupils also got to see some of the youtube clips of the musical and boys and girls now want to see the show when we (hopefully) come to London next spring! So I am very excited what will happen! I hope some of them will be touched the way it touches me!
London: 27 shows (Ryan 2* - my first Billy, Dean, Kaine 4*, Adam, Redmand 4*, Harrison 3*, Harris 2*, Tade 3*, Ali 2*, Matteo, Ollie, Bradley, Nat, Euan - my last Billy)

I can´t really explain it, I haven´t got the words
It´s a feeling that you can´t control ...
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Re: Group Profiles of the Best Fans of Billy Elliot The Musical

Post by kport »

Last spring I was able to take a group from a school where I am a governor (and founding head) to a matinee of BETM, and they loved it. Most of the boys are Londoners who weekly board in the school anyway, and several had seen it with their parents before. They are admittedly very Sloane Square in background, and are quite cosmopolitan. But each one has a learning difficulty - hence the reason for being in the school. These boys were the same age as Billy and were able to 'suss out' the meaning behind the story. (The four-letter word language issue caused not a ripple amongst the boys or their parents, by the way. It is a trueism in the UK - the Lord of the Manor and the Gamekeeper share the same Anglo-Saxon vocabulary. It is the middle classes that muck things up!) The comments in the minibus were fascinating (any teacher who wants to find out the latest scuttlebutt in the school - just drive a minibus, and listen!). The boys genuinely loved the story and talked about it for a long time after.
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Re: Group Profiles of the Best Fans of Billy Elliot The Musical

Post by Mike »

when i went to see the tour in Atl recently i ended up taking a friends 15 year old son to see the two shows i had tickets for because the person i had got the tickets for ended up not being able to go. The next week i had to pick him up from a weight lifting class after school due to his dad having to work late. This kid is a football player and since he's also from the south he can more or less be described as a "redneck". When he got in the car he was humming & singing Solidarity. It made my day !! Goes to show you that BE can have a lasting effect on just about anyone..

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