Sao Paulo Reviews

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Re: Sao Paulo Reviews

Post by kadu »

porschesrule wrote:
kadu wrote:The only problem I could see is casting that many kids in a demanding show like this... it would be a challenge!
Let's suppose for a minute that they ARE able to identify enough kids... What's "enough"? Do you know how the child labor laws work there in terms of how many shows a child would be permitted to do per week? Is it more like the US cast structure for the current Tour show playing there or is it more like England where they have to have three complete casts of Michaels, Debbies, Small Boys, Tall Boys and Ballet girls -- OR, something completely different?
Well... I'm not really sure. If I remember correctly, in Priscilla Queen of the Desert, there were 2 actors who used to alternate for Benji, but then again, that's a very small, non-demanding role and the show only played 6 performances a week.
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Re: Sao Paulo Reviews

Post by louisv »

porschesrule wrote:
kadu wrote:The only problem I could see is casting that many kids in a demanding show like this... it would be a challenge!
Let's suppose for a minute that they ARE able to identify enough kids... What's "enough"? Do you know how the child labor laws work there in terms of how many shows a child would be permitted to do per week? Is it more like the US cast structure for the current Tour show playing there or is it more like England where they have to have three complete casts of Michaels, Debbies, Small Boys, Tall Boys and Ballet girls -- OR, something completely different?
I also don't know about that. Right now, they have 4 young Simbas e 4 young Nalas in The Lion King, for a total of 7 shows a week, sometimes 8... I don't know if this is the Broadway standard. We usually have theater between Thursdays and Sundays, but is not unusual for musicals to perform on Wednesday nights as well. Tuesday night performances like BETM are very uncommon here.
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Re: Sao Paulo Reviews

Post by lucas_epm »

I don't know about child working laws either... In "The Beauty and the Beast" and Miss Saigon they had 3 children for each (very simple) role... (not sure, but I think that in The Sound of Music they had 3 different Von Trapp families). Anyway, much more than the laws, I do think that the main challenge would be finding children in the correct age able to dance and sing enough for BETM. We have lots of musical theaters in São Paulo but the only one I remember that came here in a similar way than Billy was Cats (2007), in Credicard Hall, with an american cast and with subtitles (and more recently it was performed in Portuguese in another theater).
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Re: Sao Paulo Reviews

Post by ERinVA »

Here is one more very positive review of the show from SRZD: ... +sao+paulo

"I don't want people who want to dance; I want people who have to dance.”
-George Balanchine 1904 -1983

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Re: Sao Paulo Reviews

Post by kadu »

Just got back from the show.

I'm so glad I had the chance to see it one last time! I never get tired of it hahaha
Mitchell was great as Billy... the audience (and me, of course) loved him. I wish I had the money to see it with Ty... =(
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Re: Sao Paulo Reviews

Post by dongringo »

kadu wrote:Just got back from the show.

I'm so glad I had the chance to see it one last time! I never get tired of it hahaha
Mitchell was great as Billy... the audience (and me, of course) loved him. I wish I had the money to see it with Ty... =(
I feel so sorry for you. ;) :lol:
.......\ <,
....( )/ ( )
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Re: Sao Paulo Reviews

Post by Lightman7 »

OK here are a few observations from Yesterday:

Credicard Hall is way too big for any broadway show. The standard BE proscenium is is only about 65 percent the width of the stage. With that said, they are doing a very good job with audio levels. There are two HD jumbotrons on either side of the stage, showing both full stage and close up views. I both like, and dislike this - it can be distracting, but it is nice seeing some close ups. There appear to be three cameras and whoever is directing the shots is doing a great job of it (better than any bootleg I have seen). The best example is probably the letter scene where they have a soft dissolve split screen with Billy's face on the left and mum's on the right. The hall has hard surfaces everywhere and individual removable chairs on the main floor. The Camarote level is level is very nice upholstered bench seating with waiter service throughout the show, and private boxes behind them. This is obviously a setup for rock concerts and the like.

You can't miss the translations - there are five locations for them. One on each jumbotron, one big one above the stage and two smaller ones that fill the gap at stage level between the edge of the BE proscenium and the edge of the real stage. I don't speak Portuguese, but I can tell there are a lot of little things left off (i.e. there is no translation for "bloody").

Saturday afternoon was Mitch. I had seen him once before in Grand Rapids, where I was surprised by how angry his Electricity scene was (it was as if he was defending himself, and was fitting, but it was different than what I was accustomed to). Yesterday he was a bit less angry, but what surprised me (by was of the jumbotron) was how different he looks when he doesn't smile (and he doesn't smile much as Billy). He was excellent as always. In the letter scene where he tries to grab the letter from Mrs. W, for the first time I saw Mitch actually grab the letter! He didn't yank it away, he just held it there. They both had the biggest Cheshire Cat grins on their faces and stared at each other for a minute. You could tell Mrs. W was thinking "you little stinker!" and Mitch was proud. In the opening of the second act, the "Merry Christmas" line got a totally dead response, and was immediately followed by "Feliz Natal" which got a big response.

There is no punchbag and in the afternoon show George said "go practice your ones and twos" and in the evening show he said "go practice on that punching bag over there". I'm not sure why the difference i lines.

I rode down the elevator at the hotel with Ty. He was also excellent. His acting was great, and his dancing was very refined. He has excellent control over his body, and his choreography was beautifully timed to the music. (Yes, I realize Billy isn't supposed to be a perfect dancer, but it is nice to see). In the final scene it was " see ya Cameron/see ya Ty and the cast did sing Happy Trails to him after the final curtain.

There were obviously lots of jokes that went over the audience's head or got lost in translation, but they were very enthusiastic with their applause and standing ovations. Brazilians aren't sticklers for being on time, and late seating occurred constantly during the first 45 minutes, which was distracting. The house was almost full for both shows - and evidently has been throughout the run. Thats a very good sign.

Now for the final two performances : ( It is Drew/Jake/Cameron this afternoon and Mitchel/Cameron/Jake tonight!
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Re: Sao Paulo Reviews

Post by kport »

Thanks, Lightman7, for a great review. I am glad to hear that audience numbers have been robust, even if the Credicard Hall is too vast for Broadway productions.

Your description of the use of the jumbotron is intriguing. It would have been great, at all larger venues on the Tour, to have facial closeups in scenes like the Letter scene on a jumbotron. It simply isn't possible to catch these important moments from seats in the rear of vast halls. I always had binoculars to hand when I was sitting anywhere other than the front.

That raises a thought - if three cameras recorded every moment of 21 shows in Sao Paulo, then (assuming they were digitally recorded) they would provide enough raw material to edit a very good live recording of the Tour production. With the added benefit of jumbotrons above and beside the stage in the camera's view, the effect would be similar to the 25th Anniversary dvd of Les Mis at the O2 Arena. Fingers crossed that those unique moments - 63 hours worth - were saved for posterity!
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Re: Sao Paulo Reviews

Post by kadu »

Thanks for you comment Lightman7!

I didn't know you were there during yesterday's matinée. Where were you seated??
If you told me, we could've met up.

I agreed with pretty much everything you posted. I was also divided about the use of the jumbotron. It is distracting, but like you sad, even though I was quite close to the stage, i caught a glimpse of it during a couple of scenes to see the close-ups.

About the translation... that is VERY tricky... there are things that simply can't be translated literally, either because there is no equivalent in Portuguese or because it has a different connotation in Portuguese. I think they did the best they could.

I'm am totally with you about how distracting latecomers are. We are known for our lack of punctuality. Sorry for that =(

In regards of Mitchells performance, having seen both Drew and him, I though he played the role more innocently... Drew's Billy seemed more confident and Mitch's Billy seemed more "child-like". I liked both interpretations and I'm glad they put their own stamp on their performances!

Let us know about the final performances!
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Re: Sao Paulo Reviews

Post by Lightman7 »

It's over, the final curtain has dropped.
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